hey there,
my name is
andria cooper
And I build products.
I have over 15 years of experience in the tech space, focusing primarily on product management, product operations, UX / UI design. My expertise spans many industries including martech, healthcare, and e-commerce.
A Quick Background
porfolio &
J&P cycles: cart & checkout redesign
Reimagine the cart and checkout experience to reduce points of friction for users and provide clarity around product fit and specifications.
david’s bridal: diamond loyalty program
A new initiative aimed at encouraging repeat customers and expanding the customer universe to more non-bridal event shoppers.
code for philly: library app proof of concept
As part of Code for Philly launchpad, we worked with the Free Library of Philadelphia to assess feasability of a mobile app and website redesign.
phlphridges.com: a community fridge finder
PHLPhridges.com is a passion project with the goal making community fridge resources more readily available for those that need them.